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Women's Empowerment Summer Retreat

True empowerment is living a life that is in alignment with your TRUTH.

The Women’s Empowerment Summer Retreat is a journey of rising to your powerful true essence.

It’s the death of your EGOIC self and rising of your EMPOWERED self.

This retreat focuses on cutting out all the bullsh*t so only what brings you ALIVE remains.

You will learn how to live as an empowered, awakened being connected to yourself, your truth, heart and body.

This is an opportunity to let go of your old beliefs, old patterns, old emotions and trauma.

You’ll be held with high quality facilitation, beautiful accommodation and delicious nourishing food so you can journey deep.

My intention is that you leave the retreat with deep connection to your Soul feeling,



Breathwork is a powerful way to release stress, anxiety, heaviness and come back home to ourselves, to joy, love and freedom. It’s a fast, effective reset to the whole system.


Intuition is the voice of our Soul. It’s the whisper that tells us what brings us alive. We’ll be learning tools in how to our your intuition practically.


We are all powerful creators. Once we have awareness around our Ego, our Soul, we can direct our energy where it wants to flow. We will learning about how to enhance our superpowers in creating what we love.


Cacao is a beautiful heart-opening medicine. We’ll be connecting with the cacao, send our prayers and receive the wisdom of this nourishing, healing medicine.


Dance is one of the most honest, real and vulnerable ways to express ourselves, to let go and remember our truth. We’ll be dancing together as sisters, connected to nature and our bodies calling in our dreams.


Power is about strength and vulnerability. It’s the play between dominance and surrender which effects the flow of love and power. We’ll be exploring what it feels like when we’re in and out of our power, energetic boundaries and more through clear power dynamics.


Our touch has the power to heal. How often do we receive the touch we exactly want? We’ll be learning to ask and receive the touch we love.


It’s magic when women come together. Since the ancient times, we gathered, shared wisdom, sat in a circle together. The retreat is weaved with magic, rituals and deep connection to other sisters you’ll be sharing the space with.

Feminine power is MAGIC.


This is a crucial element after transformational retreats. We will be connecting with what your next steps are in integrating your power into your day to day life after leaving the retreat. You’ll be supported before and after.

Join us for an immersion to your TRUE POWER 🔥


RETREAT DATES: 2nd-5th June 2022 (Bank holiday)

The retreat begins at 5pm on Friday and finishes at 3pm on Sunday.


Opening Circle - Dinner - Evening Embodiment Session


Morning Session - Lunch - Chill - Afternoon session - Dinner - Evening Embodiment Session


Morning Session - Lunch - Chill - Afternoon session - Dinner - Evening Embodiment Session


Morning Session - Integration - Lunch - Closing Circle


The Quaives is in the village of Wickhambreaux, Kent, less than 2 hour long train journey from London. The whole facility is built on BEAUTY, LOVE, and INTEGRITY which is the reason it was a full yes as a home to this deep retreat.

The site has a beautiful studio to have our main space, modern private cottages to stay in and shared eating space where we will nourish ourselves.

There are 19 acres of open space, manicured gardens, secret gardens, tennis court, swinging kissing bench, hot tub and an on site massage therapist.


✨ 3 nights in a beautiful accommodation

✨ Delicious vegan food prepared with love and intention

✨ 3 days of powerful processes

✨ Wood fired hot tub

✨ Access to the facilities - gardens, pond, tennis court


The Quaives has FOUR options of accommodation:

Dormitory (shared with 8) - £750

Fuchia Cottage (shared with 4) - £800

Songbird Cottage (shared with 2) - £850

Bumblebee Cottage (shared with 1 or 2) - £850 (shared) - £1400 (single)

If you’d like to join you can make a £300 deposit transfer or the full payment to my bank details below to secure your place:

Isik Tlabar Ltd




Then please send an email to and we’ll take it from there!