I got inspired to share this after a conversation I had this morning 🙏🏼
Watch video here and here
I find that the little changes you make every day are so much more powerful and lasting than a single massive shift you do.
I didn’t have a spiritual awakening. My mum is a therapist and she was very much into alternative holistic therapies like energywork breathwork etc as well as psychology and human behaviour. In a way, I was born into it, she taught me so much from a very young age and I’m very grateful for it 😍
But it was only 6-7 years ago I decided to actually apply and embody my learnings and share openly that I’m into spirituality and embrace my weird 💩 From then on, because I committed to this path, I’ve grown and opened up so much more.
During this time, I believed you’d reach a place and go, “Right, I solved all my problems now, I’m healed forever.” I was looking for THE teaching that will solve all my problems. This doesn’t exist 😂
I don’t feel life is about reaching that place anyway. It may be different for everyone but for me, it’s about enjoying your experiences, integrating the lessons and loving who you’re becoming.
Just busting that myth for you that you’ll do a single thing and be healed from now on. It is a never ending journey BUT it’s so worthwhile as you step into your wholeness and authenticity, you feel lighter, freer and more you ❤️
There’s no freedom like it 😉 Wishing you a beautiful afternoon!
I love you 💛