⚪️ ❤️ SOVEREIGNTY & LOVE ❤️ ⚪️
This has been the main theme in my life in the last 2 weeks, so time to write about it 🙏🏼
What does it mean, to be sovereign?
It's being whole and complete within yourself, being in your power and not needing something external to complete you or make you feel good. Its being your own lover, treating your body like it belongs to someone you love. Its not needing that person to love you because you feel that love towards yourself anyway.
When you're sovereign, you love someone for who they are, not because they fix the incompleteness in you or they fulfill how you want to be.
You don't need that person, but you want them. You want to connect and share intimacy with them just because of that, no other motives. Rather than saying 'I choose you because you complete me', its freedom to say 'I choose you because I love you'.
You're able to love all parts of them. Because it doesn't threaten you anymore. Its doesn't mean anything about you and it doesn't trigger your incompleteness anymore. Because now you're whole. This is the shift from dependancy to sovereignty, two complete people coming together ✨
Also there's a fine line between being sovereign and being super independant where you can create distance, push people away and go one man band. So just watch out for that 😃
There is a beautiful Osho card, 'The Creator', my favourite one.. It says, there are two types of creators in the world: one type of creator works with objects - a poet, a painter etc. The other type of creator works on himself. He doesn't work with objects, he works on his own being. He makes himself into a masterpiece.
It's about dropping the idea of becoming someone and surrendering to who you are, because you already are a masterpiece. Then you know yourself and you know you have everything you need..
When you feel like you need to get something from someone, follow these steps to come back to your sovereignty:
- Notice how you feel, name how you feel.
- Notice what it means about you if you don't get that thing.
- Notice what that need is telling you to do.
- Close your eyes, take in a deep breath and imagine you're empty in pure bliss and presence.
- Ask 'What's the truth?' and allow anything to come up.
The more you make this shift, the more it'll become an effortless habit where you just naturally in love and freedom..
Let me know your thoughts below ☺️💛
Loads of love! 💞