This happened yesterday! 😍

this happened yesterday.jpg

I had a stand at the Business Women in Action event. I didn't know what a roller banner was few weeks ago tbh, I had to Google 😃 Then I went, 'Oh that's what they're called..'


There were speakers, comedians, poets, businesswomen speaking during the day. One spoken word artist who shared her poem said:
"A Queen doesn't have to show off, she just has to show up."
It gave me shivers. It is so true. You just have to show up and be you for whatever it is you want to achieve. That's all. You don't have to be a certain way, say the right things etc. Just be yourself. That's what people connect with.
So that's what I did, and I connected with loads of beautiful women doing what they love 💁🏽
After creating something huge you've never done before, there's always that comedown. Like after an intense labour, the rest and slowing down.. It's just a cycle, there's absolutely nothing wrong with you. Honour that comedown and rest stage. Receive what you've achieved 🙏🏼
I felt like that today, emotional inbetween sessions and slow. I can feel that the more I grow, the more I'm serving. I feel my clients and connect to them on a whole new level.. Wonderful to see the journey unfolding :) 🙏🏼
Have an awesome rest of the evening lovelies! 💛