You agreed to come onto this planet to have a super real human experience. You forgot that you were pure light and energy as you came down.
Coming from pure love, such high energy, it feels like a trauma having to fit in to a tiny human body. So the illusion of seperation starts.
When you connect to and love someone, you are actually loving and connecting to yourself. They're showing parts of you, to you. Because you are everyone. And everyone is you. So when you hurt someone, you're hurting yourself too. That's why Universe has a funny way of bringing it back to you asap 😃
You created it all. You created love and darkness, everything ever existed. Once you see this, you don't get carried away with small things, you see the bigger picture.
You might go, 'Yeah but what about my needs?' You communicate them openly and vulnerably as they are. The fear might be that they might leave or not take it well. When you're being yourself and that person is leaving, its good that they're leaving. Then the nature will fill that void. If they're receiving your vulnerability, that's awesome. So it always turns out great when you follow your truth.
So when you love someone, and that person is triggering you:
- Look and see them for who they truly are. See the pure love in them. They might be having a tough time at the moment but that's not who they are.
- See their gifts. What are they good at? What are they not great at? That's just who they are. Accept it all.
- Be honest about if you love them because they are the way you want them to be or they are purely themselves and you love them for that.
Let me know your thoughts below 💛
Much love to you💞