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I hear this a lot and will share few words on it.

You might feel like you have limited energy and you need to save it in order to give it to the right things. You might feel like you have to protect yourself from people and the world. Or you might feel like your energy is keep being drained by people around you.
The truth is our energy is infinite, we get it from a higher source. But if you live in a lack mentality, you’re going to feel like it is limited and you need to save it. It’s a fear based decision.
If you believe other people drain your energy, guess what you’re going to attract? People draining your energy ☺️ Congratulations you created your reality.
But when you know that you’re powerful and there’s nothing out there that can drain you unless you allow it, you’re cool. Then from an empowered place, you can choose who you want to hang out with. The decision will be coming from self love and respect, not fear 🌻
I used to be this person, walking around feeling scared about when would be the next time my energy will be drained by some people. I was actively seeking it in a way, I was expecting it. Then it would happen, unsurprisingly.
Don’t use being an empath as an excuse to not step into your power. You can feel everyone’s energy and still know which one is yours. You can help others and also choose not to help those who are not ready to receive it. You can be loving and kind and also set a boundary for yourself.
Try this next time you feel like people are draining your energy:
- Close your eyes.
- Notice how you feel.
- Remember that they are just people, not God, not Jesus, not some supernatural being. They don’t have power over you.
- Imagine your energy is coming back to you.
- Imagine you’re sending their energy back to them as well.
- When your energy comes back, put your hand on your heart and say in your mind, “This is me. This is my energy and I decide what I want to do with it.”
- Have a coconut mocha 😃
Or when you’re in your energy feeling grounded, just tell yourself “This is me”, anchor that feeling of what it feels like to be in your energy so you have a reference point. When someone steps in and you notice the difference you can have unagi (Friends 😍).
Let me know if you have any questions 🙏🏼 Have a gorgeous day!
Love you ❤️