I’ve been quiet for nearly two weeks now. A lot has been going on, I was in a place where I didn’t know where to start sharing from, so I didn’t share at all 😂 I’m going to break it down for you all, about what has been coming up for me lately. Here’s the first one 💛
I was always ashamed of the way I moved and danced. As soon as I moved a bit sensual, shame would creep in. I would judge myself, worried how others are judging me too. When I first went to ecstatic dancing 3 years ago, I judged everyone there, I thought, ‘Omg where have I come to? These crazy people.’ without knowing that’d be the place I release tons of bagage each time, the place I meet one of my closest friend today and the place I hear my body’s wisdom for the first time.
After few times of going dancing, judgement towards myself and others went away. I started to get out of my head, come back into my body and allow it to do it’s own thing. I cried, cried and cried so many times. Now I go to 5rhythms every week which is movement meditation practice at the same venue, a beautiful magical church in Vauxhall. I dance most days in the mornings, in-between sessions, cooking or at night.
The other night, I was writing but the words were coming out from my head, there was no emotion in them. I decided to put on some psytrance, shake my body a bit, breathe, open my jaw, move a little, connect and film myself.
When I filmed this, I had no intention to post it anywhere. It was for me to see myself in my frustration and have compassion for myself. I watched the whole thing cringing, not wanting to watch it. I thought, I look weird. I felt embarrasment and shame, I allowed myself to feel it. Then I asked myself, ‘Who says dancing needs to look a specific way?’ It’s your dance and you decide how you want to move and you don’t have to explain why. And it’s ok to have these thoughts and feelings even when you’ve been dancing for a while now.
The same night after moving, I sat down and wrote 1,200 words in one go.
You can dance your dreams into your life and dance trauma out of your life. Your body has its own wisdom and if only you can listen to it and trust it just a little bit more, it has so much to say ❤️
To see yourself deeper and to be seen, follow these steps:
- Film yourself dancing, moving (if dancing is not your thing, it could be talking to the camera). Let your body move in any way it wants to move, there are no mistakes in moving
- Watch it yourself or even better, show it to a close friend of yours and watch it together
- See the beauty in you as you watch it. If you’re watching with a friend, you don’t need to hear their feedback, just allow yourself to be seen by them.
May you dance your dreams into your life 🙏🏼💙
Go to https://www.facebook.com/isik.tlabar/videos/10160161439905300/ to watch the video.
Feel free to share this, loads of love to you 💛