ask for what you want.jpg

This has been an area I’ve been practicing and mastering for the last year. Asking for what I want directly without any manipulation or anything and receiving it when it arrives.


You may feel like to have what you want there are other things you need to do. For example, before asking for something from someone, you might believe they need to like you first. So your energy goes into making yourself loveable rather than asking for what you want. This takes a lot of energy and distracts you from where you are going.


You can have what you want as you are the version of you today. Anything you desire in life, you are entitled to it right now without having to do anything else to deserve it.


I’ll share a story with you, something happened the other day when I asked for what I wanted ✨


Some of you know, before the last one day workshop I held, I was locked outside, wasn’t given the right codes by the venue organiser. I managed to get in anyway. Here’s how I got in, if you haven’t read:




I emailed the venue organiser explaining what actually happened on the day and asked for a full refund. He understood, came back with offering 50% off from the next hire of the venue. That was nice but I won’t be hiring the same venue again. So I asked for the full refund again. He came back offering %50 refund. By this point, I’m tempted to take the half refund. But I reminded myself, that’s a compromise, that’s not what I wanted. So I held my request for full refund 🙏🏼


He emailed me back saying he will offer the full refund 😎 And I received it after 3 days. 


This was a great example for me to remind myself I can ask for what I want and have it without compromise. When you go for a compromise thinking its way better than where you were, other things in your life starts going into compromise as the message you’re sending to the universe is ‘I’m ok with half-hearted things.’ So the universe sends you that.


Here are the steps to get what you want with no compromise:

- Close your eyes, take a deep breath. Imagine you’re pure light being connected to everything through all time and space.

- Ask, ‘What do I want?’ 

- Allow any answers to come up. You need to know what you want before asking for what you want.

- Hold that as your vision, imagine it as it happened already.

- Ask, ‘What did I do to get here?’

- Follow that step

- The other person might be reluctant. You don’t need to make the situation comfortable for them. Hold the uncomfortable silence or whatever is happening between you. You’re entitled to have what you want.

- At any point, when you have doubt, use this process to refocus back to your truth.


You don’t need to believe you can have what you want. You just need to imagine it as it happened already and take the next step from that place. Once you have what you want, that would be the proof for your Ego to believe it.


Would love to hear in the comments below something you received by sticking to what you want 🙏🏼💙


This is a funny video makes me laugh each time I watch it, a comedian manages to get his parking fine cancelled 😄 




Wishing you a wonderful evening ✨


Loads of love 🌹
