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It’s going to be a year soon since the first women’s workshop I ever did, Goddess Circle.💗 


The ones I was doing lately were beautiful, loving, filling up and but they didn’t have the magic they had way in the beginning. When you do something a lot, it can feel like a routine now, something which used to scare you is what you normally do now. So you might disconnect from it emotionally. I felt like that was happening.
2 days ago, I held another one and I got emotional before starting. I felt super grateful for doing this work, for my growth and for women who are showing up to feel, dance, imagine and release ✨
It feels like I’m back at that point of feeling pure joy and excitement for these workshops, just another level added with feeling more relaxed and more like myself.
I created this workshop because I wanted women to feel what letting go, surrender and being in your body feels like. When you feel it, you know what it feels like, you know what you’re looking for. If you don’t have that feeling you don’t know what you’re looking for. It becomes a reference point your body remembers. And it becomes easier to access it again because you know what it feels like now ❤️
Some words below from the feedback forms to share the experience women had which describes way better than I can:
“There was no fear/worry/anxiety. My mind stopped and I became just my body. I let my body talk to me and actually that’s the first time I felt love towards each part of my body. It took me to my deep, real self where only love and peace is talking.”
“It’s an opportunity to let go, release and reconnect with yourself in a warm, loving and safe environment of powerful women.”
“Illuminating. I experienced my’self’ in a way I hadn’t before.”
The next one’s on the 23rd April, Monday, 6:30-9pm in Covent Garden. 4 spaces left. Here’s the link to book:
They’re 6 women only, in an intimate and loving group which is one of the things that makes them special I feel like ✨
Any questions you have about them, please message me.
Loads of love to you 💛