Sound Healing Journey


Thank you Jamie Kat and Francisco for a beautiful all night sound healing journey Friday night 😍 It was 8 hours long. 8 HOURS! I didn’t sleep much actually and each time I looked up it was all 3 of them, doing their magic ✨ Thank you guys, I’m very grateful for you. You created such a loving and held energy ❤️ I admire your focus, awareness and love for doing this 🙏🏼


Then Tamlyn I had a super chilled day. Layed on grass, soaked in bit of sun, ate leftover Turkish food, went for a crap house viewing and I got my tattoo redone randomly 💛
Days like this I appreciate having friends who are pro at resting and taking things easy. Thank you my lovely for a gorgeous day together ❤️
Have a beautiful Sunday night y’all