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This is can hold the key to your freedom, being yourself authentically. Family is not an area people want to work on until they realise it effects all areas of their life from relationships to business.


Most of our fears and insecurities come from our perception of our interaction with our parents. Everyone had something in their childhood. Even the person who had the most beautiful childhood has pain somewhere whether they share it or not.
Maybe your parents never saw you and understood you. Maybe they physically abused you leaving you feeling worthless. Or maybe they put too much pressure on you that you felt you had to be perfect to receive their love.
Your mum and dad will never be who you want them to be. There will always be something you wish they did or didn’t do. The truth is you can’t change the past but you can see the lessons and forgive them.
So how do you forgive?
You see that forgiveness is for your freedom, not for them. When you forgive, you’re not making them right. You’re choosing to let go of the weight, resentment and move on. You’re choosing your future over your past.
There is such a truthful quote I found the other day by Anne Lamott, “Expectations are resentments under constructions.”
When you expect your mum or dad to do something, you lost sight of who they truly are. You might say, “Yeah but they’re meant to be my parents!”. They are, but they’re humans on their journey as well and no one is perfect.
Letting go of the story requires you stepping into your authority and leadership which can feel scary. Because who would you be without your story? It’s what the little girl/boy in you have known all those years.
This is a process of growing up and parenting yourself, coming closer to yourself every step along the way.
Your parents are your mirrors. They show you parts you don’t love and accept about yourself. The more you love them, the more you love yourself ✨
If you’d like support in forgiving, loving your parents, and healing childhood traumas, I offer coaching sessions around this. I deeply care about you all and I want you to move forward with ease, freedom and love this year 😍
If you’re interested, message me ❤️
I love you 🌹
(Image is me with my mum and dad, love them so much 😍)