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I watched the documentary HEAL on Netflix a week ago. It’s a brilliant documentary about how our minds can heal our bodies.


It talks about how we use Western medicine, surgery, painkillers etc for chronic illnesses when really, they are meant for emergency situations.
In the documentary, Darren Weissman said this which I absolutely loved 👇🏼
“Every illness, disease is a portal to our bodies. You can attempt to run the subconscious mind, just like you run to attempt to outrun a shadow. You can’t. You gotta turn around and face it. You gotta see the problem as the portal.”
I was coughing for the whole of last week. It was getting a bit annoying as it wasn’t healing despite all the ginger, honey and lemon teas. Yesterday I started to have a muscle pain as well during coughing.
So that was a final sign for me to sit down and ask myself, “What am I avoiding feeling?”. It was feeling of loss and ending of a beautiful connection I had with someone. So last night, I allowed myself to cry it all out. I closed my eyes, imagined them infront of me and spoke to them. I said everything I wanted to say and felt it all.
I woke up feeling so much lighter and now the cough is nearly gone. I mean obviously, otherwise it’d be a shit story 😂 I needed to feel it fully to let it go.
If something is coming up constantly from your body, you need to look at it. It’s your body’s way of communicating with you. Maybe you haven’t forgiven someone from the past, maybe you haven’t been following what you know deep down is true. Or maybe you’ve been holding onto a story who believed about yourself since you were a little child, to the point it became who you are and you don’t know who you’ll be without that story.
And letting go doesn’t have to be hard. You don’t need years of therapy to go into something in order to let it go. You can let it go and be free from it if you choose to in this moment.
If you’ve been feeling stuck and struggling to let go of something, come to group breathwork this Thursday 🔥
The energy of the group breathwork has a beautiful way of bringing up and releasing things you didn’t even know were there 😍
We have 8 spaces left. Link to book is below ✨
See you there! Love you 💛