Own and share who you are, no matter what ✨
Your “too much”ness, weirdness, your dance, your words, your being, show it all. Don’t dim your light to make someone else comfortable.
This quote by Steven Spielberg changed my life:
"Sometimes a dream almost whispers. And I've always said to my kids, the hardest thing to listen to—your instincts, your human personal intuition—always whispers; it never shouts. Very hard to hear. So you have to every day of your lives be ready to hear what whispers in your ear; it very rarely shouts. And if you can listen to the whisper, and if it tickles your heart, and it's something you think you want to do for the rest of your life, then that is going to be what you do for the rest of your life, and we will benefit from everything you do.
The whisper might not make sense, it might go against what your friends and family think or you might not believe you can do that. Listen to it and act on it anyway 😘
If people are judging you, that’s ok. Know that their judgement is based on their wound. No matter what you do, they will see it through their wounded lens. So you might as well be yourself ✨
If people are telling you to not rock the boat, get a steady job and stay in a safe relationship, that’s ok. As you grow and expand, their own fear might kick in. They might realise they’ve been playing it so safe that you going beyond norms into the unknown makes them uncomfortable. So they try to keep you small rather than expanding themselves. Have compassion ✨
If people are not getting it, that’s ok. Rather than trying to explain it to them, let them be. Focus on your vision and growth. Show them through your actions rather than words ✨
Do that website.
Post that video.
Ask that girl out.
What are you avoiding doing knowing deep down it is what your heart yearns for?
Follow that. It might just empower someone else to shine their light ✨
Love you 💛