Rejection is two truths not being aligned.

When you don’t get that job, you can choose to believe you’re not good enough, or you can choose to see you’re not the fit for the job. It has nothing to do with you and they’re looking for someone else, not you.


When that guy doesn’t text you back, you can choose to believe you’re not worthy of love or you can choose to see if they are the right person for you, you wouldn’t even have to try, it would be effortless.
Or better, don’t focus on it at all and do what brings you joy and men will be attracted to you anyway as you’ll be radiating in your joy and love 😃✨
It’s not personal. There’s nothing wrong with you. You are absolutely beautiful, amazing and unique as you are ❤️ Don’t even question it.
Sending you loooads of love 😍