💪🏼 I DID IT! 💪🏼
I completed a 12 week training & nutrition program!
It feels so good to come back to intense workouts I used to do years ago. I feel strong, my mind is clearer, I’m more focused and I eat more and regularly. And most importantly, I’m more loving towards myself ❤️
I was still a human during this program. I skipped few workouts and meals, some I needed rest, some pure excuse. I couldn’t do week 12 so I redid it last week. But I completed it.
I don’t have a before and after photo because they don’t show you the inner transformation that takes place. I chose to workout not to have a curvy bum but to be healthy, strong and feel connected to my body. Curvy bum happened anyway as a bonus 😂 (Strong glutes actually helps back and knee pain btw, never a bad thing to have good glutes)
I learnt again you don’t have to feel motivated to do something. You set your environment for the result you want. Your environment is more important than your motivation. I put my mat out and put my workout outfits out before I went to bed. So when I wake up I see them. Just steps I followed and once I start the video, I’m in and the workout starts 😉
I also learnt if I don’t have the 3 basics: sleep, food, workout, no amount of clearing healing work etc will connect me to my body. These are the basic foundation needs of my body and anything else is added on top of that.
It’s not about reaching a goal then going back to old ways. It’s about maintaining that level or going even higher. So this week I started again with heavier weights. And right now holding my phone up, my arms hurt 😃
The program is Shona Vertue’s Vertue Method. 4 workouts and 1 yoga in a week, once a week walk in nature and loads of recipes ✨ Your diet and workouts are literally taken care of. I highly recommend it 🙏🏼
She’s a down to earth and super lovely woman to have worked out with. Follow her on Instagram, her posts are hilarious, educational, mindful and empowering.
Here’s to loving your body!
I love you 💛