I’m back from Noisily festival!
What a journey it has been..
I find so many of my answers on the dance floor. Dance always leads me back home to myself and I have a deeper sense of appreciation for my body for taking me there every time.
Here’s what I saw 👇🏼
I saw what my dancer friend of mine told me once, “You can’t kill the person you dance with.” We’re all equal on the dance floor. Your language, where you’re from, how old you are, what your job is, none of that matters. We come together and we dance at the same level, our feet on the same floor.
I saw that after years of struggling with saying no and people pleasing, I own my space when I dance and only let people in with whom I want to dance with and share my energy. In the past it was a struggle, now it happens naturally.
I saw that when I judge, I create seperation between myself and people. There is no better or worse. Everyone is doing their own thing in their own way. It’s not up to me to judge.
I saw that my job is to be myself in all of me. To share myself and my truth in all openness and honesty. People who resonate with me will come and find me. I can’t be worrying what people will think as they will anyway. I might as well get on with my thing and not waste time.
I saw that I have a strong foundation in myself now. I don’t seek validation from men anymore in the way I used to do. Instead, I want to share love and create sacred & beautiful experiences together. My Ego’s still there obviously but I catch myself. This is very freeing and never ever reached this place in my life before.
I saw that the more I learn, the more I see I know nothing and the more I get better at letting go & surrendering.
I saw that letting go and healing can be enjoyable. It doesn’t have to be this serious task. When you enjoy yourself and laugh, you actually let go easier.
I saw that when I say, “YES AND ...” rather than “YES BUT ...” I open up and see more possibilities. I stop resisting and I soften. I get more creative.
Sometimes I have shame about who I am and what I want to do with my life. It goes against what I was taught. Then I hide and let people in only to a certain distance so that they don’t find out this shame. And my Ego feels scared if I reveal all of me, my innocence will be taken away. I’ve come a long way about this after many tears, sweat, healings etc. And after all that work, I can say that it comes down to what you choose in the moment.
What are you choosing? Are you choosing to push people away or open your heart to be seen fully? Are you choosing to judge people or to love people? Are you choosing to close your heart or reveal your innocence so all of you can be celebrated?
Big love and thank you to Tamlyn for coming with me, Paul, Octavia and to the Vauxhall 5rhythms family Jamie, Sam, Kyle Annalisa and others. It was beautiful to see and dance with many of you 😍
I love you 💛