I honoured my dad on Sunday for Father’s Day.
During the day, I was at a dance immersion which was maybe the best way to spend this day, dancing through my emotions with an open heart ❤️
At night, I lighted candles, made and ate one of his favourite snacks. I played a playlist he made for me a year ago and cried my eyes out which ended up in smiling and laughing ❤️
It showed me you can still celebrate with your loved ones who passed, it just takes a different form 😘
The key is to accept and embrace what happened and welcome the grief with open arms. When loosing someone, you can only hold onto resisting feeling or anger for so long. You have to feel it eventually, soften and let go which will free you. Better sooner than later 🤗
And no matter how many years have passed, it’s still ok to miss a loved one ✨
I love you 💛