
A year ago yesterday, my dad died from heart attack.


Yesterday I chose to spend the day by going to a 5 hours dance, Ecstatic Soul session.
I created the altar which was about prayer and intention. It was about showing up and courage. It was about how unstoppable you are when you focus on what you want to create and how playing small doesn’t serve anyone. It was about how creation happens in cycles just like nature, blooming then letting go, letting go of old version to become the new version who will receive the vision.
There were quotes on the altar, here’s one of them that I love👇🏼 You can swipe to read them all.
“You’re never given a dream without also being given the power to make it true.” - Richard Bach
It also had Turkish delight to be eaten during or after the dance 😍
These 5 hours dance sessions have been so deep and healing every time, this one was particularly deep.
I felt what it feels like to hold your prayer and let go of it, let go of how you want it to look like and surrender to it.
I felt my dad’s energy on the dancefloor and danced with him. I thanked all the men in my life and all the lessons I learnt through their presence.
I felt and moved through heartbreak. It is very freeing when you allow yourself to feel an emotion without making it mean something about you.
I looked up at the church and remembered the dances I had there in the last 3 years. Friends I met on the dancefloor, connections I made, frustrations I had, love I shared, joys I felt and how I surrendered and let go again and again on that dancefloor. Versions of me died on that carpet and versions of me emerged. I’m so grateful for that church ❤️
“You will always be fine.” is what I heard when I looked up. It was a deep knowing and certainty. “You’ve come far.” I forget how far I came.
There was a moment where I looked at 5 Rhythms with Ajay Rajani & Nikki Ashley, feeling so incredibly grateful for them to having created this sacred space of remembering who we are, connecting to what matters to us and choosing love ❤️ Thank you so much for everything you both are and everything you give so generously 🙏🏼
We had food together after and it was so nourishing to sit on the grass and talk, listen, connect for hours.
Thank you everyone who was on the dancefloor 😍
I love you 💛