This is my dear friend Yunus Sezener ❤️




He set up his own matchmaking company Tenkap in Istanbul 5 years ago where he brings people together as well as doing relationship coaching. Few months ago he published his first book!!! I literally can’t stop smiling when I look at the cover. It takes courage and showing up consistently to come to this point. I’m so proud of him ❤️


I’ve seen him start his business and keep going when people told him such thing wouldn’t work in Turkey, it did! The translation of the book is something like, “There are proper men out there.” as ‘men are shit, they cheat etc’ was something he kept hearing from women and it doesn’t have to be that way. The book is about creating a different perspective about all relationships, not just intimate ones. As well as knowing yourself and what you want, it’s about looking at yourself and taking ownership whether you’re in alignment with that or not 🙏🏼 I’m going to read it while I’m here, wish it was translated in English so you can read too, one day 😉
(Türkçe 👇🏼)
Bu benim canim arkadasim Yunus ❤️ 5 yil once Tenkap matchmaking isini kurdu ve simdi basariyla iliski danismanligiyla beraber buyutuyor isini. Birkac ay once ilk kitabini cikardi!! Kitabin kapagina baktigimda gulumsuyorum hep. Cunku bu noktaya gelmesi cesaret isteyen bir sey ve kendisiyle cok gurur duydum ❤️
Yunus’u isini kurarken, buyuturken, insanlar Turkiye’de bu is tutmaz derken hep devam etmesini izledim. Ve tuttu 🙂 Kitabin adi “Ortalikta Duzgun Erkek Var” cunku etrafta duzgun erkek olmamasi kadinlardan hep duydugu bir seydi ve boyle olmasina gerek yok, baska bir yol da var. Kitap iliskilerle ilgili farkli bakis acisi sunma, ne istedigimizi netlestirirken bizim enerjimiz onunla ayni seviyede mi, iliskilerde kendine de bakma sorumluluk almayla ilgili.. Gidip okuyunuz 😃 Ben de okuyacagim buradayken 🙏🏼
Canimsin Yunus 💙

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