I had massive resistance to show up this week. 


I didn’t want to do anything. I just wanted to be in bed all day every day. Thankfully, I know that’s one of the patterns of my Ego. 


It’s the part of me that just doesn’t want to participate in life in anyway. It’s the apathy that keeps myself seperate and alone, pushing life away and making my life miserable when it doesn’t have to be that way.
I know it was also full moon in Libra and I’m a Libra so why not blame the moon for my shit 😄
So yesterday, an hour ago before the workshop, I pulled myself out of my Ego, I listened to one of previous recordings to connect to the energy and boom - I was in tears in seconds, heart wide open and ready to serve ✨
I remembered why I do what I do no matter what’s going on in my reality. If I’m making decisions based on how I feel in the moment, I won’t go far. There won’t be any breathwork journeys.
But when I come back to my heart, my Soul, to the place where everything I care about lies, where my creativity, inspiration, love and joy is; that’s when I’m connected and in my truth 100% ❤️
My Ego will never want me to show up, will never want me to be in life fully, but my heart does. My heart is willing, open, giving and loving. It has so much to give that just keeps pouring out.
Like your heart, like all of our hearts connecting us on such a deep level whether we feel it or not, it’s there ✨
When we take a moment to close our eyes, drop into our hearts and take a deep breath in, everything is there. All the answers, all the love, the universe, your essence, what brings you alive..
Breathwork is a beautiful and powerful way to connect to that space 💛
I’m very grateful for everyone who joins every week to the dances and the breathworks, as it gets me out of my Ego and connects me to my heart so much more. I can’t be in my Ego and hold a breathwork journey at the same time basically.
So now, my heart feels wide open and full from the breathwork journey we had last night 🥰
Thank you for the 29 gorgeous people who joined me yesterday. You’re all beautiful in your own unique way and I love you all very much 🙏🏼
.🎉 I’m holding them EVERY FRIDAY // 7-9pm (BST - UK time) FOR FREE 🎉
Come join us next week 😍 Link to book is below 👇🏼
Share with someone who you know is not in the best place right now and might benefit from breathwork ❤️
Have a wonderful weekend! 🍃
Love you 💛