You can’t truly enjoy life if you’re going million miles per hour.
When you’re rushing, you might miss what you’re looking for. You go way too fast to stop and acknowledge. Maybe what you wanted was always there but you didn’t take the time and presence to receive and appreciate it.
You might not allow yourself to do the things you enjoy. You might feel you don’t deserve it because you haven’t been productive. You might feel it’s a waste of time when you could be doing other things.
So you fill up your time not allowing yourself to have space to breathe. Even if you come to give yourself what you enjoy, you might put rigid rules around how it should be which kills the joy of it.
When you make time and space for what you enjoy, not only you feel alive and connected but so much more comes to you.
You often will end up doing so much more because you’re taking the pressure and control off. You’re taking away the rigid rules you put around how things should be.
I love this quote by Ram Daas,
“You will begin to see that a lot of your suffering is created by models in your mind of how the universe ought to be, and an inability to allow it to simply be.”
This is where the magic happens in a way you can’t plan it. This is where you let ideas to come to you rather than you having to push through. This is where your creativity flows rather than needing to figure it out before you start. This is where you receive and let go rather than being stuck in your righteousness and stubbornness.
I definitely find myself rushing ahead to get things done. Sometimes it leaves me feeling unfulfilled, not having truly received what just happened. I miss the connections I could’ve seen if I have slowed down a bit.
So I consciously make the effort to slow down, breathe and receive. I make time for the things that bring me joy that are not work related just for the joy of it.
My Ego is not always on board with it, but what comes out of it makes both my Soul and Ego happy 🤗
So here are few ideas to slow down:
- When you complete a task, take a deep breath. Even if its as small as just having finished washing the dishes, pause, take a deep breath before rushing to the next thing.
- Meditate for 10 minutes minimum a day. It can be as simple as closing your eyes and observing your thoughts as you focus on the breath. I do mantra meditation where you repeat a mantra which allows your mind to chill out. You can use the Insight Timer app.
- Put in your schedule a time for what you enjoy to make space for whatever it is, walking, dancing, singing, writing, painting etc.
Give yourself permission to do the things you enjoy and to just BE 💫
If you want to connect with your creativity and enjoy your life on a much more fulfilling level, I’m here for you 🙏🏼
Message me for 1-1 coaching sessions.
Love you 💛
Art by @morganharpercollins