This was me yesterday morning emerging out from my period cave 🔻
Then I had 7 calls which is not the smoothest transition, but that’s life 😄
2 years ago, I finally surrendered to resting when I’m on my period and not do anything work related, not see anyone and not even talk to people.
If I have commitments like sessions, workshops etc I do that of course, then I make sure I rest other times and not go into a full on work beast mode.
I notice how much more surrendered I am, how much more productive, creative I am later on and how much more in tune I am with my body. I recognise the same qualities in women who honour their menstrual cycle. That’s when the initial frustration and shame around it transforms into respect and love 🙏🏼
As women, our bodies work in cycles, we have a whole year within us, all four seasons happening in one month which is pretty amazing 😍
Period is the winter time, all about turning inwards. This is when your intuition is actually on point. You can access a whole another realm.
When you release the heaviness and emotional blocks your body might be holding onto, that connection will be even stronger. Your body won’t be busy trying to release during menstruation and you won’t be suffering in pain.
When you emerge from that still and quiet place having created the space honouring the inward time, you’ll literally sprint out creating, turning that energy outwards and sharing yourself with the world 💫
Here’s a short summary of all the phases in the menstrual cycle 👇🏼
🌷SPRING (follicular): This is right after period’s over, it’s great to plan things out, put goals in as your mind starts to get clearer. Also the best time to learn a new skill and be open to new experiences.
☀️ SUMMER (ovulation): This is the time you often feel the most outgoing, your communication is on point and you naturally feel good and connected. Best time to have important conversations and connect with people.
🍂 AUTUMN (luteal): This phase has such a bad rep, but its a great time showing you what’s not working in your life, what you had enough of. It’s a great time to complete on things so you prepare for the inward time, naturally feeling you want to declutter, clean, organise and get ready to nest.
Your old wounds might come up, so its actually a great time to start noticing and letting go. So by the time you go into the winter phase you’ve already energetically released a lot.
❄️ WINTER (menstruation): This is when you have your period and it’s great to just BE, surrender, be in stillness, listen to your body and do nothing. The communication between your right and left hemispheres of your brain is more powerful than any other time so you can really tune into your intuition and have awareness around how your life is going.
It’s great to know this and not be super rigid about working around it. Have it at the back of your mind when you’re planning and to also to remind you why you feel low when two days ago, you felt great 🤗
“The Woman Code” by Alisa Vitti is an amazing book if you want to go in detail around how to enhance the superpower of each phase 💫
Women are magic and its pretty amazing what happens in our bodies every month. Let’s celebrate and honour that 😍🎉
Love you 💛