I love this woman so much 😍


We spent the day together the other day. When we hang out, it’s an activation for both of us. I ended up writing 8 pages of what we got sharing about life, relationship, universe, everything. 


We sat facing each other and just talked and talked, listened, laughed, cried, released. It’s as if we create a vortex, access all this information and it just flows in. It doesn’t work when we don’t face each other, so weird 😄
We listened to my friend Gary Albert Hughes’s livestream concert. He created his OWN music, like wtf, how does one even do that 😍 so proud of him!
So many things slot into their place and come together when I see Lauren Love, she has this incredible ability to tune in and feel the truth of something. We were together with the same man after one another. That’s how we met and became friends. She really showed me what true sisterhood can be like.
After 3 years, she’s one of the people who knows me inside out and one of the most loving women I know. She’s absolute magic and it makes me so happy to see that she’s sharing her gifts with the world more and more. Her writing is amazing 💫
I’m so grateful to be surrounded by amazing people who are committed to learning, growing and evolving. And fun! Not just all spiritual all the time but are hilarious and down to earth.
I’m so excited to spend the weekend with my friends I haven’t seen in months 🥰
Have a beautiful weekend! 🌹
Love you 💛