I had a tutor when I was around 10-14 years old. She helped me prepare for high school entrance exams in Istanbul.


She’s a really good friend/big sister now. I always see her when I go back to Turkey.


We met up while I was there and started talking about feeling powerless, having people in your space, boundaries etc.


My memories are divided in two - before UK and after moving to the UK. I often don’t remember much about before. It starts to come back when I’m there.


I was talking about feeling controlled and powerless etc. She started telling me all the times I was in my power as a little girl. 


How I spoke my mind to the teacher and pissed him off.


How I left this major exam, had an emotional breakdown, went back in, continued and still got a great result.


How I prepared food for my tutor like a grown up when she came over.


And many more memories 🙏🏼


It was really weird because what she shared and what I remember from my memory were two different stories. I was in awe.



We all have a core wound. What our Ego does is it holds onto the memories that prove that wound. 


It lets go of the rest because they don’t hold importance for your Ego.


Mine is - I’m powerless. Others have the power, I don’t.


Yours might be:


✨ I am not worthy

✨ I’m not good enough

✨ I don’t belong

✨ I have to control myself/others/the world

✨ I can’t trust myself/others/the world

✨ I don’t have the capacity

✨ I’m not allowed to be capable

✨ I’m powerless

✨ I have to be perfect


We all have them obviously, but we have one that is the deepest and most painful vein. 


And off goes your Ego to prove that belief over and over again.


So how do you get out of that cycle?


You meet up with old friends like I did 😂


That helps, but not really.



Here are the steps you can go through to change from the story to the truth:


- Close your eyes. Take 3 deep breaths.

- Bring your awareness to a time you felt the pain of this belief strongly.

- Be with it, feel it all. Notice what stories you made up. Keep breathing and allowing.

- After the feeling is complete, imagine a golden ball of light above your head. It descends onto your head and lights up your whole body. You’re connected to everything through all time and space.

- Imagine you see the memory from a higher perspective, from this point of view.

- What’s the truth? What was really going on? What’s obvious from this point of view?

- Now go down and tell that to the younger self and remind them who they really are.

- Repeat as needed 🤗



My point is:


More than half of our memories might not be true. Question them.


See if you took out the true bits to create congruency in the story you tell yourself to keep yourself stuck in the pain of the past.


None of it is real. They’re all stories.


Hope you enjoyed mine 😄


Then remind you of your truth, your essence and your greatness ✨


I can share my story and my messy bits with ease because I know that’s not who I am. That’s my Ego. And I totally own it.


Who I am is so much more. It’s so much more than what I do, how I feel or the way I choose to live my life. 


It’s something that can’t be contained and defined in any way. 


So are you. 


You’re amazing and incredible in every way 🙏🏼


Love you 💛


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