if it doesn't challenge you, it won't change you.jpg


Change doesn't happen when you're comfortable. It happens at those times when you're most uncomfortable.


I love, love, love this image 😍
It explains so beautifully how a challenge can be a gift. You face a challenge, as soon as you surrender to and see the lesson in it, you're free from it being a struggle. Then you can help people having the same challenge, because you've been there. You can emphatise with them and guide them in growing.
When a challenge surfaces, your default mode can be to panic, terrorise people around you, to be scared, to run away from it, to get angry or to go into the victim mode asking why is this happening to you.. This is your resistance to the situation.
Then you create a story around it. Life is hard.. See I told you, I'll never get what I want.. What's the point in even trying.. People are dangerous so I'm better off on my own.. I'm not good enough.. I have to push people away before they see me fail..
As soon as you see it for what it is, just a challenge, then an opportunity to grow arises. You own it, you become the observer watching the situation from a higher perspective.
Then you outgrow the challenge, it stops being a challenge for you. It becomes a lesson you learnt, mentally, emotionally, energetically..
Next time you face a challenge, follow these steps to turn it into a gift you can offer to people:
- Ask yourself 'What is your reaction to the situation?'
- Then ask yourself, 'What am I resisting?'
- Just name it. Naming what's coming up takes the power out of it.
- Ask yourself, 'What lesson is this showing me?'.
- Notice if this is something that keeps coming up, then there's definitely a lesson to be learnt there.
- Once you saw the lesson, you can support people around you having the same resistance.
After some awareness and practice, if you flip out, run away or resist in your way, that's ok. You're a human and you don't have to be all peace and love. You observe it, you learn and then if you wish, you can teach it to others..
How do you overcome challenges? What are the lessons you learnt through those challenges? Comment below lovelies πŸ™πŸΌπŸ’™
Sending you much love on this gorgeous Sunday wherever you are 😍❀️