I became more feminine over the last few years, so did my body..

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I'm lucky that I didn't have massive body issues in my life, but what I did struggle with, was being in my body and loving it fully. 


I was so much in my head, totally disconnected from my body. I couldn't listen to my body and didn't know when it needed a rest.


When I started to connect with my body, I started to have love for this gorgeous temple I'm in. I was so surprised in how much you can learn from your own body.
Your body is talking to you every day. How you treat yourself will be reflected in your body. As I listen to my body, I can communicate with it and receive wisdom from it. I can have compassion and understanding for it.
I realise that the more that you grow, the more that your body changes. I became more feminine over the last few years, so did my body.
When you change something in your life, especially around femininity and masculinity, your body changes too. You relate to your body differently. It's a great reflection of the progress you make 😉
Loads of love to you 💞