I just had a mindblowing experience πŸ’₯

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This incredible humanbeing cuchira (on instagram), she expressed her art again, her movmeant class. Thank you for being you, your art, your love and energy.. She's so real that it brings out the realness, rawness in everyone ❀️


At times I was on the floor, crying weeping, at times jumping moving around, connecting moving with others. I had a super honest time with myself, feeling everything I'm feeling, not pretending, just being with me.
You can't be one way all the time. You have so many parts of you. You have ups downs. Sad, sexual, happy, expanded, joyful, liberated, stuck, angry, shy, contracted, its all you. Because you're human, raw and beautiful as you are. You have your darkness and lightness. The darker you can go, the lighter you can get. The lightest people I met are the ones who went into the depth of their darkness and they're beautiful ❀️
I had moments where I was hugging myself and just felt pure love for myself. It's empowering you know, when you give yourself the love you always wanted from others, then you don't keep people around you responsible to love you. You don't resent them for not doing that. Because you're receiving all the love from you and if more love comes to you, its great its extra on top of it 😍
She was saying in the end, Go into forest, what would you do if no one existed? Shout, scream, whatever. Do that. What if you always did what you wanted instead of what everyone else wants?
As I'm writing this on the bus, I saw a sign says 'lighthouse'. It makes me remember, you know what you need. You're your own guide, your own healer. You know what to do for yourself. Allow yourself to feel it all, give yourself permission. When you go into the depths of that sadness, anger, shame that joy, whatever it is, you'll see that you're free and beautiful as you are✨
Wishing you a beautiful weekend in this 'kinda raining but not really' weather πŸ˜ƒπŸŒ§
Love you πŸ’™