Here’s how my morning went:


Alarm rings.

“I’d like to sleep more and get back into doing my morning workouts”
Skip the networking event. Message cleaner to come later. Nope, she’s on her way already.
✨ *refocus*
“Ok I’ll go to cafe and work until she’s done”
Cleaner ends up being late.
“Ah I could’ve done my workout.”
✨ *refocus*
“Ok, I’ll sort out my internet.”
Call Sky, learn about fibre. Switch to fibre.
“Shit, I’m running late.”
✨ *refocus*
Leave to give a breathwork class. Arrive just on time on the verge of being late.
✨ *refocus*
Give the class & love it ❤️
In case you wondered if my life is all love and flow 😂 It’s not. No one’s life is like that all the time.
It’s about how quickly you can REFOCUS & COME BACK TO FLOW.
But first, you gotta acknowledge the fact that you created it all. Take OWNERSHIP of your reality, then you can change it. If you keep BLAMING everything and everyone else, you won’t go far.
You can CHANGE any moment around with your intention and action. Take your FOCUS off of what you don’t want and put it into what you do want 🙌🏼
My learnings from this morning:
✨ Always go to networking 🗣
✨ When I do my morning workouts, I have less of a potential to be all over the place 🤓
✨ Don’t have coffee when you’re stressed, it makes it worse 😂
Love you 💛