We all have talents and abilities we come to the world with. 


We’re born with them and often as little boys/girls we express them naturally.


Often over time, we learn not to be ourselves. We quickly learn how to be, what others expect to see, what is acceptable and what gets us love. We adopt that way of being and push aside who we truly are.
So we disconnect from who we truly are. We can forget our truth searching for it all around not realising its always within us.
And when we do reconnect back to our true nature and what we want to create in our lives, there might be that voice in our heads from the past that tells us:
.✨ Who are you to do that? You’re powerless. You can’t do it.✨ This doesn’t make sense. How are you going to do that?✨ Don’t be too much. Just stay small to keep the peace.✨ You’ll be ridiculous if you do that.✨ Be grateful for what you got and don’t ask for more.
INTUITIVE READING SESSION I offer is an hour we have together, where I connect with your essence and share with you your true nature, gifts and what your purpose is 💫
When you know what that is, those negative voices in your head loose their power because you have a focus that is greater than them 🙏🏼
It honestly took me 10 years to find this modality which goes right to the core and tells you the truth 🔥
Here’s a beautiful feedback I received this after a session 👇🏼
“It was amazing and enjoyed it so much! Your energy creates such a beautiful safe space which allows me to trust and surrender. You held the space sooo nicely that I felt I know you for years already:)))
Your words were resonating with me and within me during the whole session. They were gently unveiling layers of fear and exposing them in the bright light and it didn’t feel uncomfortable! You did it soooo well... you were very supportive, encouraging, loving and truly tuned in!
Thank you very much! Honestly your presence brought me more clarity and your energy is uplifting, shiny like the surface of lake in the morning sun and light like wings of fairy ”
If you resonate, I’d love to give you this session. Just reach out 🙏🏼
They’re £100 - 1 hour session.
Love you 💛