Yesterday’s breathwork journey was SO MAGIC 😍💫
My heart is so full of love and gratitude for everyone who was there. It felt incredibly loving and sacred 💕
I remember once someone told me - “Our gifts are not for us, it’s for others.”
It’s so true.
Everything in nature is for one another. Fruits on the trees are not for the trees. Nectar of the flowers is not for the flowers.
When trees and flowers are offering their gifts not only they’re sharing, but they’re also fully in their glory having life force energy flowing through them.
These breathwork journeys are not for me, they’re for you, yet they give so much to me 🙏🏼
I learn so much. More recently, its showing me - All I have to do is to be myself and have fun 🎉
Then it’s effortless and it flows.
And I get to see so much beauty, love and power in everyone on the call 💖
I see what human experience could be like, outside the head where the rules and conditions lie, inside the heart where everything is truly limitless..
There is so much love in humankind but we gotta share ourselves with the world no matter what the conditions are.
Imagine an apple tree holding onto its apples. It wouldn’t work. Or resisting creating apples, it’s just against its nature 🍏
When we hold back, not only we’re depriving others from our gifts but it also slowly kills us on the inside.
So share, stop holding back 🤗
And come join the beautiful tribe for the breathwork journey NEXT FRIDAY 😍
7-9pm (UK - BST time)
You can register through the link below ✨
Love you 💛