It’s been a little more than a week since I moved to Saltdean, to live near the sea.
The first few days, all I wanted to do was sit and listen to the wind. It’s very windy here and I love how it sounds. The neighbour has these wind chimes which sound beautiful with the wind.
It reminds me of my favourite scene from Pocahontas where the wind blows. Then she listens to her heart and can understand what the wind is telling her 😍
Even though the town is super small, the energy here feels big and expanded. I’m never bored. There’s so much space to be present.
I got myself a bike and rode back from Brighton which was NOT a walk in the park 😂
At night, I can hear the silence. There’s nothing, just dark, empty silence. I forgot what that sounded like living in London. I feel very grateful for the silence.
While moving, I let go of so many clothes, furniture and just stuff.
I let go even more here. It feels both scary and liberating. It’s also letting go of who I have been until this point and creating space for another version of me to emerge.
I have a lovely housemate Eva Weaver who is incredibly loving, kind and has a beautiful heart. She welcomed me in the space so openly with her cat and two snakes 😻🐍
I had two intentions in my heart moving here - living one with nature and receiving the natural flow of a magical life. I feel so very grateful to have been experiencing and living both.
My Ego’s definitely having it’s fits and throwing its toys out the cot going through the change. It wants to know and control.
My Soul’s there waiting gently, confidently and peacefully and I’m here, softening and opening myself up to what wishes to be created through me next ✨
So here I am, with open arms, little bit scared saying, “Bring it.” to life 🙏🏼
I wouldn’t have it any other way 😍
Things tend to fall apart to then fall into places. If you’re going through a big transition and would love a coach to guide you back to your truth and heart, I got you 🙏🏼❤️
I’ll love you and guide you, helping you see beyond the fog and darkness, with clarity and love.
You can book a consultation call through the link below ✨
Love you 💛