Your job is not to get approval from everyone.
It’s to live the way you want to live.
It’s not to pressure yourself to fit into all the boxes you don’t belong.
It’s to stand tall in your truth where you belong to yourself.
Your job is not to get everything perfectly in a specific order.
It’s to make mistakes, trip, fall, adjust, try again and again.
Your job is not to do what you think you should do.
It’s to do what you love.
Your job is not to fit your dream in a framework that is acceptable.
It’s to allow it to come to full fruition in its wildness.
Your job is not to be keep yourself contained and controlled.
It’s to set yourself free and wild 🔥
Your job is not to pay more attention to others’ opinion in how it should be done.
It’s to listen to yourself first and foremost and go with your own wisdom.
It’s your journey and it’s for you only.
It’s not for someone else to understand.
It’s for you to live it ✨
Love you 💛