Having structures in place allows your creativity to flow more.
Rather than being restrictive, it works counter intuitive, allowing the water to flow into a glass rather than spilling everywhere.
Here are some of the structures I have in place👇🏼
MICRO (Daily) 🔍
.☀️ Journaling (morning pages), working out (4 times a week) and connecting to my vision (10 min meditation) in the morning
💻 Doing all my coaching & breathwork sessions and consultations between Mon-Wed. Thurs-Fri I work half day, other half I do other work related stuff. On the weekends, I mostly chill apart from planning the week ahead.
🔗 Putting admin tasks and creative tasks together rather than flip-flopping in between. It drains energy and you loose focus.
Meditating for half an hour after work is finished. This creates a seperation between work time and chill time.
📲 Turn off all notifications on phone so I set a time to respond to messages rather than the other way around. I’m a human of course, I still distract myself 😄
MACRO (Big picture) 🔎
.Beginning of every month, doing a monthly review in my business, life and self-love, intuitively feeling into the new goals for the next month.
🔛 Every Sunday, reviewing the past week, tracking what happened in my business (how many sessions etc). I have a list of areas of my life where I give them a point between 0-10. Then I feel into the 3 big tasks I’ll complete that week based on my monthly goals.
➕ Having a daily habits shared google sheet I have with few of my friends, where we track our habits and see how we’re all doing. Those daily habits serve the big picture.
💷 First day of the month, tracking on a google sheet how much I earnt last month and where I spend money. I track everything basically 😄
Structure and tracking is everything. If I don’t track, I might be progressing but I might not even know. Then when I do progress, I can clearly see and celebrate, make adjustments when needed.
If I don’t have these in place I know I’m an emotional mess. My Ego is naturally very distracted looking for the next shiny object. These structures keep me focused in what I want to create 🙏🏼
As a starting point, it’s great to have bare minimums like non-negoitiables.
You wouldn’t question whether you’re going to clean your teeth this morning or not, you would just do it 😄 Do the same with few habits like that.
Here are some books to support creating structures in your life:
.💫 “The Artist’s Way” - Julia Cameron💫 “4 Hour Work Week” - Tim Ferris💫 “Atomic Habits” - James Clear
Start small, stick to a bare minimum daily, see the result, adjust.
Love you 💛